Monday, March 16, 2015

One Word, Five Voices: Wilderness

The wilderness and I do not get along. I like running water and air conditioning and Starbucks. I've even only been camping exactly once in my entire life, and when I woke up in the middle of the night to an ant army parading inside the tent, I quickly decided to forever loathe the out of doors.

Alright . . . maybe loathe is too harsh a term. Let's just say I'm not a fan.

Not ironically, I'm not too fond of metaphorical wilderness either. Being alone in a time of hardship seems terrifying. I need my people to hold me up, surround me with prayer, and show up at my doorstep with Ben & Jerry's if needed.

I need community like I need air in my lungs.

That's how we were created to go through life—together. None of us is all alone in the wilderness of life—we've got each other to lean on, thrive with, laugh with, love. Whatever is going on in your life today, I pray that you understand you are not alone in it . . . because no wilderness is a match for the community God has placed around you.
Italian Hydrangea

 Check out what my friends think of today's word on their blogs: ShawnHeatherSteph and Brian.

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